Daily Bulletin
Manistique Middle & High School Bulletin for Tuesday, October 15, 2024
SENIORS: Financial Aid/FAFSA presentation
Attention Seniors!
What: Financial Aid presentation for the Class of 2025 and their parents/guardians
When: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Time: 6 PM
Where: Manistique High School Auditorium
More Details: Jeffrey Gagnon, Assistant Director/Financial Aid from NMU, will be in Manistique to present to the class of 2025 and parents/guardians. He will discuss the options for financial aid and provide valuable information about the FAFSA (Free Application Federal Student Aid) and the Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
NMU Rep Visit
A representative from Northern Michigan University will be at MHS on October 14th, during seminar (in the community room) to meet with interested seniors.
Please sign up in the main high school office.
Bay is the Way Day!
When: November 1:
For Grade(s): High School Seniors, 12th Graders
For Students Seniors who are considering or have chosen to attend Bay College in the Fall 2025 Semester
Time: TBD
We'll cover "all things Bay College" like:
application and enrollment process and deadlines
Lunch will be provided
Registering for classes - let's look at a college catalog
campus tours
opportunities to explore Bay programs with faculty!
and more!
Registration: Is OPEN NOW Students can start registering here: https://forms.office.com/r/EYa5VSfFzz
**Students will be able to identify their Top 3 Programs**